Tuesday, November 30, 2010

December DUFF meeting

Greetings DUFF Members

The December meeting is planned for this Friday, December 3, 2010, 6:00pm at the home of Randy Hoeth in Camp Douglas. The following is Randy's post from the DUFF group:

Hello group,
As I am listed to host the December meeting on the third, I was
wondering how many are planning to come. Still at 6pm I believe? For
those with a GPS I live at 107 Oakdale Road in Camp Douglas. Let me
know how many are planning to attend please.

So please send a note to Randy, so that he and Carolyn know how many to plan for on Friday. The address slightly disguised is: randyh at mwt dot net

There is no specific club business planned for discussion at this meeting except we are planning to focus on the beer style Mia Bock. If anyone has any brewed, please bring a sample. I plan to purchase, and bring, a few samples of commercially produced Mia Bock so we all are familiar with the style. I'm wondering if this could result in an informal club competition in February or March of 2011? Sound like fun?

Come on out on Friday night. I and probably Sandy will be passing through Mauston on our way to Randy's place on Friday evening so if one or two people need a ride and are along the way, I'll be glad to pick you up and stay sober to return you safely home.

Happy Homebrewing!



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