Wednesday, August 3, 2011

August DUFF Meeting

Greetings DUFF Club Members

The August DUFF meeting is this Friday, 5th of August, 2011, 6:00pm at the home of Jim and Kathy Kinsman. I don't think there is any pressing club business for this meeting just a great Friday evening for those who can make it. The following note about the meeting is from Jim:

We are still on for the meeting.  Can't think of anything out of the ordinary, everyone should bring something to sample if able to.  We should have all the toppings needed for the pizza, and hopefully enough dough to make a ton of em!  Normal meeting time, but a touch early is fine.  Oh, and if the weather is too bad, we have room in the basement for everyone.
Hopefully Manny and his wife can make it, they were here for the last pizza party you were at.
Directions to Jim's place: East of Reedsburg on Hy. 33 to the Rock Springs turn off, Highway 136. South 1/4 mile or so to the subdivision. The address is E 7233 N. oak crest dr. for those using a GPS. Hope to see everyone on Friday evening and if you think about it, give Jim a heads-up if you plan to attend or are unable to. Sandy and I should be there and I talked with Steve and Marsha who are also planning on coming. Marsha said she has some of their first beer to share as well.... can't wait to test that!



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