Monday, March 7, 2011

March DUFF meeting report

Greetings DUFF members

We had a great time at the DUFF meeting in Hillsboro on Friday evening. Many of us agree that we will return to Beezers friendly atmosphere, excellent food, and a great staff! Thank you so much Joe and Theresa for introducing our club to this awesome local get-a-way!

As far as club business, we didn't cover too much. Jim is the new club treasurer just because he happened to be standing in the wrong place at the right time! We took up a collection to cover the cost of the conference room but when we went to pay, we were told we didn't have to pay for the room! Thanks so much, we are now eternally dedicated clients of Beezers!

Hillsboro is an awesome town and we are meeting there again next month at Joe and Therese's place. We've met some new homebrewers form the area, Al and Lori and were reunited with some old friends Ron and Carolyne.

We are planing to go ahead with a club beer kit for the next quarter. Cream ale is what I'm hearing. It was between a cream ale and wheat beer and if I understand correctly, the big brew in may is leaning toward a Wit. No recipes are posted yet, but if it is a Wit, then we'll make plenty of that in May so the kits will be Cream Ale. We need a base recipe for the kit so get online at the DUFF Google Group if you have some ideas. Purchases will have to be made in about 2 weeks in order to have the kits ready for distribution in April. Our club should be able to put together kits at a substantial savings to homebrewers and that is one thing that a beer club should offer its members. Cheep beer! Yes!

In addition, please begin brewing for the June fund raiser beer for the barn. 5 gallons of beer will get  you entered. Also, Christin is going to put together a booklet with information about the homebrewers and the beer that they are entering. She would like a short biography - name, history of brewing, and if possible the beer you are making this year. Wines will also be included in this year's Barn fund raiser. Send information to

As a club, lets really get behind this fundraiser this year and see what we can do to make it a greater success than last year!

I'll keep you updated on both the Barn fund raiser and the club kits for April. Let me know how many 5 gallon Cream ale kits you are interested in purchasing. I guarantee the price will be at least 25% less than retail, maybe more? and the club will make a small profit as well!

If you are interested in future DUFF club activities, please make sure you attend the April 1st Meeting at Joe and Therese's (directions will be sent out as the event draws near). This will be the spring quarterly meeting where we confirm activities for the Big Brew in May, and Jun and July DUFF events; and make preliminary plans for August, September, and October 2011! We should also be able to distribute Cream Ale kits to members who have requested them. The ingredient order and kit price will be available prior to the meeting.

Attached to this email are some photos from the March meeting at Beezers. Enjoy.!

Have a great week,



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